ELSA 2015, the 12th Asia-Pacific Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery, is being held September 2(Wed)-5(Sat), 2015 at EXCO in Daegu, Korea.
We provide …
o a great chance to present high-level techniques in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery in Asia Pacific region
o sharing with a lot of valuable academic researches and cases
o scientific programs in 11 categories(General, HBP, UGI, LGI, Thyroid/Endocrine, Pediatric, Hernia, Bariatric, Gynecology, Urology, Thoracic Surgery)
App Features
o View Scientific program schedules and explore sessions
o Lists and descriptions of speakers and exhibitors
o Create your own personal schedule o Easy access to abstracts of all presentations and posters
o Easy access to abstracts of all presentations and posters
o Access interactive maps and find local information